Meet Kayla Murphy

Marketing Strategist

I am born and raised in AZ, and graduated from ASU with a background in full-service, influencer, and social media marketing. During my time at ASU, I competed in collegiate wakeboarding, and had the opportunity to travel around the country to wakeboard!! I recently moved to Flagstaff, and I don’t know who is loving it more – me or my 4 dogs! If I’m not hanging out with my pups, I’m at a yoga studio, powerlifting, or camping!

Favorite Family Tradition:

It’s a newer tradition, but homemade pizzas on Christmas Day!

If I were to max-out my credit card somewhere, it’d be..

REI & Ski Pro!

If I could swap places with someone for a day, it’d be…

I would love to swap places with one of my dogs to see what they see and how they think.

If I could have one superpower, it’d be…

Healing powers! There are so many people with illnesses, and if I had the power to heal all back to good health, I would!

My Strangest Talent:

I can do backflips on a wakeboard! Not sure if this is strange though? Okay here is the strangest I’ve got: I can also do spinny spins (surface 360s) snowboarding down the mountain!

The best part about living in Flagstaff is…

The community here is amazing – everyone I meet is so friendly and welcoming! And you can’t beat the beautiful weather and scenery! 

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