Request a Task Task Request Form Your Email(Required) Client Acronym(Required)Short Task Description (Task Title)(Required)This task request is for:(Required) A Retainer A Project Internal / Mojo Who would you like to assign this to?(Required)The asiggnee is a:(Required) Gotta-Have-It Nice-to-Have-It Don't-Gotta-Have-It Suggested Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Suggested Due Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Task Priority(Required) High (Gotta-have-it by the due date, at the latest) Medium (Nice-to-have-it by the due date) Low (Don't-gotta-have-it by the due date) What is the purpose of this task?(Required)What is the final deliverable you're looking for? (Ex: Design a poster)What is the goal of this task?(Required)Why are we doing this? What are we hoping to achieve, overall? (Ex: Share that the client's hiring with in-store signage, in order to recruit more candidates.)Who is the audience?Who are we hoping to connect with? (Ex: Locals who love the store and want a meaningful career OR link strategy and indicate which persona slide we're targeting)Task Description(Required)Fill this out as much as possible. If you leave anything out, the RM will tag you in the task comments and will set the phase to "Need Details from AM" Budgeted NTE Time (if available):(Required)Is this for a retainer client?(Required) Yes No How does this impact the annual plan/budget?(Required)Select oneThis was already budgeted for - no changes are neededI need to reduce the hours of an existing taskI need to remove an existing taskOtherShare more details if further action is needed(Required)What files and/or links does a task owner need, in order to complete this task? Please include a Google Drive link below:Please upload any needed files to the client's folder on the drive and include the link below.Additional resources that might be helpful, in order to complete this task: