Photography Services in Flagstaff

Capturing the essence of your business, your ‘why’, your true brand identity through moments, people, lifestyles, and stories


We’ll Capture Your Good Side

People are visual; don’t just tell them your story, show them. We have a team of people who love capturing stories and moments through photography. Our photographers have an eye for getting the right angles, an understanding of the power of editing a crisp, clean photo and a love for the raw emotion that unfolds during a well planned photo shoot.

Mountain Mojo Group specializes in corporate photography, shooting architecture and environments, food and beverage, products and of course, the people who make your company shine.

The Mojo Method

Mountain Mojo Group specializes in lifestyle photography that shares a story, a vision, a passion, and a purpose.

We love product shoots, food photography, architectural photography, fun projects, monumental construction builds, real estate, and team photoshoots! Our process is simple and to the point, and never compromised. Here is what to expect when choosing Mojo for your next photography project:
Discovery! Our client discovery meetings are focused on understanding the full extent of your vision, marketing goals, brand, and target audience. We’ll spend most of the meeting brainstorming ideas on how to best create the images you need to share your story.
Shot list! Your project manager will compile your discovery meeting notes into a shot list that will combine your vision with our team’s recommendations for location(s), time, day, models, products, set design, storyboard, equipment, contacts, etc. With great planning, we’ll be ready for a successful shooting day!
Let’s shoot! On the day(s) of your shoot, your project manager will keep you informed of all details, last-minute needs and status updates.
Rough edits. Once the photoshoot is complete, our team takes the raw images back to the Mojo Dojo and chooses a desired set to share with you for a rough review. Once we gain your feedback, we begin the editing process.
First edits. Once the first rounds of edits are completed, your project manager shares the images with you and your team for review and direction on any and all final edits.
Final edits. Once we have your final direction, we complete the edits and share the originals along with the edited images for your ownership.

We DO NOT license your images. This is your dream, your vision, your products, and we are simply helping you share your story.

Learn More About Photography From The Mojo Blog

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Do You Really Need Marketing For Your Business?

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Find out how Mountain Mojo Group can can help take your business to the next level

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