Need to add a user to your Google Ads account? Easy-peasy!

Google Ads is the most popular platform of Search Engine Marketing or Pay-Per-Click digital advertising in the world. It is an effective tool to make your website pop up ahead of your competition on Google. If you are unfamiliar with how Google Ads and Search Engine Marketing works, check out The PPC Machine’s great article on the basics of Google Ads.

If you already have a Google Ads campaign and are wondering how to add a user to your account, you’re not alone! Here at Mountain Mojo Group, we get asked about this a lot! It’s a very easy task to do and takes less than two minutes. Here a step-by-step video to walk you through the process:



Here are the steps again:

  1. Go to and login into your account- you will need your Gmail address and password
  2. Once your account opens, click on “Tools & Settings” in the top left corner of the screen
  3. Under the “Setup” column, click on “Account Access”
  4. Click on the blue button in the top left corner
  5. Enter the email address of the person you want to add to your account and check the boxes for to give them specific permissions. The email needs to be hosted with Google’s G-Suite. Basically, if you are logging into your email by going to, you have a G-Suite account. If you enter in your email address and it doesn’t allow you to continue in Google Ads, you will have to sign up for a Gmail account before continuing.
  6. Click “Send Invitation” in the bottom right corner


You’re done! You’ve just added a new user to your Google Ads account! Happy marketing!


The text "Have an idea? Let's find your Mojo," lies above the Mountain Mojo Group logo.

Mountain Mojo Group is located in FlagstaffWilliamsthe White Mountains, and Page, Arizona and provides top-quality marketing solutions and design! Our team works with small businesses all across the state of Arizona, providing a variety of marketing and design services including, social media managementphotographyvideographystrategyweb designgraphic designSEO, and paid search engine marketing. Our team of creatives is ready to tackle your next marketing project. Contact our team today at (928) 440-5301 or stop by one of our offices located throughout northern Arizona.