GWC. Get it. Want it. Capacity to do it. This simple and quick three-rule formula for hiring, positioning, and firing will streamline your HR process and get you people who understand the big picture, are in line with your values and want to work for you. What...
We’ve all had those hires that seemed incredible in the interview and turned out to be less than incredible on the floor. We wonder how we missed what now seem like glaring inconsistencies with our core values and our culture. There is no bulletproof method for...
More and more of your customers use social media to connect with their favorite brands. Are you giving them enough interesting and relevant content to keep them engaged and coming back (how many likes did your last post get?). Or, are your social media posts from...
We all know covid has changed things – and they aren’t going back to the way they were. That includes employees, how they think about work and what their employer should be giving them. “It’s not a ‘labor shortage.’ It’s a great reassessment of work...
We all know the moment we realize we’ve made a hiring mistake. And we all wish there were some way to avoid it. We can’t guarantee you’ll never again hire the wrong fit, but we can tell you three mistakes to avoid – and three things you can...
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