If you’re a business owner trying to grow your customer base, mastering how to communicate effectively with potential customers is one of the most essential strategies for success. Instead of relying on generic sales emails likely to be deleted or ignored, why not upgrade your email newsletter with an insider update?
An insider newsletter lets you connect directly with customers and show them the value they can get from your product or service by delivering curated content tailored to their interests.
In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how you can create effective insider newsletters. From finding your target audience and creating personalized messages to helping you build relationships with new prospects and keeping current customers coming back for more.
Upgrade Your Email: The Power of A Newsletter
A great newsletter is an incredibly powerful marketing tool with seemingly endless possibilities. With 4 billion daily email users, it is no wonder why 37% of brands are increasing their email budget. Furthermore, most marketers have discovered the benefits of leveraging mobile-friendly emails and implementing subscriber segmentation as part of their strategy. This allows them to reach even more potential customers.
If used thoughtfully and appropriately, a great newsletter can effectively market your brand and connect with potential customers.
Identifying A Stale Newsletter
Knowing how to identify the difference between a successful newsletter engaging with its audience and just trying to hawk its wares can be challenging. The golden rule for everything email: if it looks too promotional, it probably IS. Your audience wants to connect with you on a more meaningful level. They don’t want to have products and services pushed on them.
To better determine the value of your email newsletters, consider things like analytics. What areas of content are most popular? How many subscribers are reading?
Things like click-through rates, open rates and unique views can help paint a picture of how engaged your readers actually are.
Additionally, plugging yourself into your readership by asking questions, running polls or conducting surveys can show you what they want and allow you to tailor written content to address those wants. Now you know how to identify a stale newsletter, but you might be thinking—“What can I do about it?”
Upgrade Your Email Newsletter Step 1: Build A Better Email Strategy
Planning ahead and creating quality content regularly will help correct poor email metrics and increase reader engagement. It starts with understanding who your target audience is so that you can send meaningful messages that they can relate to.
You also need to investigate recurring issues impacting reader engagement. Topics such as readability, format or timing of emails sent out can impact engagement. Disciplined planning and testing of different strategies around these issues will enable you to get the most out of your email campaigns.
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but by trial & error and considering different factors, you can develop an effective email strategy for your business. We’re so passionate about using strategies to increase email engagement that we wrote a blog about it! Learn how to build your own marketing strategy; if you get stuck, you know where to find us!
Tips For Creating Engaging Newsletters
After you audit your email account and build a strategy to fix what you’ve found, it’s time to boost engagement! The good news is that some simple tips can boost your email campaigns.
- Consider sharing the blog content you’ve written in your emails.
- Focus on personalization within emails; this could include a recipient’s name in the subject line or relevant interests in the body copy.
- Including interactive elements such as videos and quizzes to have a purpose and tell a story to help keep readers engaged.
Tip #1: Share Your Great Blog Content to Upgrade Your Email
Blog writing is a great way to help with SEO and create multi-channel content. It’s a win-win! If your blog is engaging, it will add value to the newsletter. Be sure the content fits within the actual message of the newsletter. This makes it more of an “insider” email, not just content for content’s sake.
In the example email below, Leader’s Cut is able to share a recent blog post that was performing well on his website and combine it with engaging graphics and Tip #2, personalization.
Tip #2: Personalize Your Emails
As a business, ensuring that your subscribers are well taken care of and feel appreciated is essential. Personalizing emails is one great way to upgrade your email newsletter by showing appreciation and strengthening loyalty.
Adding a custom value such as their first name can help create a personal connection with the reader and make them feel special for being part of your network.
This gesture doesn’t require much effort but makes a world of difference – both in terms of customer sentiment and results for your company.
Tip #3: Include Interactive Elements
Adding interactive elements to your emails, like videos and quizzes, is an effective way to create more engagement. Not only do these help keep readers interested, but they also give you a chance to tell your story.
Use fun visuals, helpful information or educational pieces in order to create something that people will look forward to reading and will help tell your unique story.
Turning Tips Into Action
A great way to increase sales is by personalizing your customer’s experience with your brand. Sending out a generic newsletter hurts open rates and shows that you don’t care about what interests your customer.
Take the time to recognize losing newsletters and change up your email strategy! And remember, if you need help getting started or staying on track, our team can help create engagement and ROI for your business through inclusive marketing practices.
Any newsletter tips that you find helpful? We want to know about it. Reach out to us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram!
Michelle has been with Mountain Mojo Group as Content Creator and Lead Social Media Manager since early 2020. Throughout her time here, she has led efforts in graphic design, social media, content writing, and branding strategies for our clients.
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