We probably don’t have to convince you that photography is an essential, powerful, influential element of our modern world — this has been the case for some time now. Photographic images are everywhere; on our walls, in our magazines, on our phones, our computers, on our television screens, and from there, on our social media, in news articles, in our emails, on e-commerce websites, on our apps, and so on. Humans have always been visual creatures, however, today this may be true more so than it has ever been, for in almost all aspects of our lives, we use images as a means by which to understand, experience, and relate to the world.
Moreover, with cameras, phones, and computers becoming an increasingly affordable and user-friendly commodity, it has also become easier than ever to capture an image of something — anytime, anywhere. However, the downside of this is that, well — anyone can do it, but not everyone can do it well. At least, not everyone has the expertise to take photos that truly stand out from the thousands of other images we see with every day and make an impression on those that see them. For personal photos and the documentation of small, everyday items or experiences, anyone with a smartphone and a little bit of savvy can take a photo that functions well enough — at least to share with their friends or family. When it comes to your business or product that needs to be advertised efficiently and effectively, however, we recommend a professional.
Professionals take a simple act of capturing a moment in time to the next level and create stunning, sharp, beautifully-lit and perfectly composed shots of you, your work, and your services that truly communicate the best of what your brand has to offer. Not only does professional photography make your products and services look great, brands with professional photography are viewed to be more competent and more trustworthy that those that don’t.
And, especially in the case of businesses who work to create something physical that is to be used, experienced, and looked at, something functional and/or visually beautiful — such as food, art, jewelry, clothes, furniture, or a building, room, or other environment, good photography is a crucial element of selling what they do. In the case of a construction company, for example, there are several forms of photography (and videography) that will really work well to showcase what they have to offer. Good photography gives you great content to implement into your social media, website, digital and traditional advertising, and more, as well as documenting your work for safety or legal purposes.
The following are just a few examples of photography that could help elevate your brand and make you stand out from the crowd on your website, social media platforms, and other promotional materials.
The Before and After Photo
You’ve probably seen this one utilized in late night infomercials, commercials for fitness, weight-loss, and beauty-related products, and maybe even on the social media feeds of beauty, lifestyle, and fitness bloggers and vloggers. You know, the ones that tell you you just need to take this magic pill or try this one skin cream and all your hopes and dreams will come true. However, the before and after photo isn’t just a powerful tool for advertising the next big weight-loss supplement or exercise equipment, it’s a great way to show any process where change takes place, where something comes from nothing, where something changes from bad to good. It highlights progress and transformation while demonstrating results, whether the photos are of a home that has been built from the ground up, a kitchen that has been remodeled, or a cake that has been mixed, baked, and decorated.
The Time-lapse
The same goes for time-lapse photography, a newer phenomenon but a powerful one nonetheless. The time lapse tells a story, condensing a process or period of time that may have taken hours, days, weeks or months into a short video that says a lot while remaining easily digestible. Time-lapse videos can be a challenge to shoot, requiring immense amounts of patience and technique to put together, but we think they’re worth it for both what they are able to accomplish and just for being straight-up cool. As an example, we love this video of a wind turbine being constructed in Scotland.
Drone/Aerial Photography
Equally as trendy, if not more, is drone photography and videography. As drones have become increasingly popular and accessible, so too has the prevalence of aerial photography and videography — enabling both photographers and their fans and followers to (quite literally) see things from new heights. Though certain safety, as well as legal, precautions do have to be taken with drones, the payoff of allowing your followers a look at what you did or made and how it all came together from fresh, exciting angles is enormous. Moreover, it works especially well for capturing projects or events that might be challenging to document otherwise (like building a home or hosting an outdoor event). For an example of how drone photography and videography can work for you, check out this awesome video we made on International Peace Day for Killip Elementary:
Environmental/Lifestyle/People-oriented Photography
All of this being said, it is also equally important to have photography that doesn’t just focus on the project and the products being made and sold, but also on the people doing and making them, and the environment in which they are being made. For example, in the case of a construction company, it is imperative to not only have documentation of the buildings being built, but also of the builders, laborers, and architects that have contributed their efforts to its creation. Additionally, it is also crucial to show their work environment to be clean, safe, professional, and productive. Following the completion of a project, you’ll also want to illustrate how your customers and consumers are experiencing and enjoying your product or service. There is perhaps nothing better than quality photography to convey these ideas.
Some businesses that sell experiences or services put beautiful landscape photography into the advertising and on their website, not realizing that their audience is looking to connect with someone else using their service or booking their tour. In trying to find a connection or reason for trust, your potential customers are looking to better understand the emotions you’ve created for others. And there is no better way to visually tell the story of your existing customers than lifestyle photography. It’s one thing to showcase beautiful food at a restaurant, but why not also show people laughing and savoring that same food? Most of the time you can talk family, friends or staff into being your models and posing with your offerings. Pictures of a hotel room are great, but a couple kids bouncing on those same beds puts your customers in a positive mindset, picturing their own children having a memorable experience at your location.
Mountain Mojo Group has spent years honing our craft of taking clear, quality, professional photographs and creating beautiful images for you and your business to share with others and market your brand. Great pics are no accident and our truly creative shoots start with a well thought out strategic shot list. We have an extensive portfolio of photography work in northern Arizona including shoots at the Grand Canyon, Sedona, White Mountains, the Verde Valley, Cottonwood, Williams and Flagstaff proper. We have already completed, and are always working to learn new techniques, technologies, and broaden our horizons.
Mountain Mojo Group is located in Flagstaff, Williams, the White Mountains, and Page, Arizona and provides top-quality marketing solutions and design! Our team works with small businesses all across the state of Arizona, providing a variety of marketing and design services including, social media management, photography, videography, strategy, web design, graphic design, SEO, and paid search engine marketing. Our team of creatives is ready to tackle your next marketing project. Contact our team today at (928) 440-5301 or stop by one of our offices located throughout northern Arizona.