Looking to get the edge over your local competition? If local is your market, then a local SEO strategy is what you need to get on ASAP! A general SEO strategy is important for improving your website’s visibility on a national or global scale, but a local SEO strategy...
Ok, so you have a website for your small business. That is step #1. Step #2 is to make sure your website is gathering data for you about your website visitors. You might be wondering why you would need to gather information about these people. It is because data...
Here is a question for you: Which pages on your website do your users love the most? Do you know? Did you know you can find out this information? By tracking behavioral analytics on your website you can find out a ton of data about not only who your visitors are, but...
Dominating on Google Ads with a full cycle marketing campaign (display, search, remarketing) Google Ads – such a foreign and confusing area of marketing for so many business owners but one with tremendous opportunity for return on investment and taking your...
This month we launched FIVE new websites! Lumberyard Brewing Company – If you haven’t visited, we highly recommend it! Enjoy a full menu, large patio, weekly events, drink specials, and award-winning beers! Summit Fire & Medical –...
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