
Get the insider scoop on all things marketing. From SEO tips and tricks, to social media marketing – we’ve got you covered!

How to Build an Effective Website in Flagstaff, AZ

How to Build an Effective Website in Flagstaff, AZ

What can an effective website do for your business? The question is really more properly phrased as, what can’t it do!? The bottom line is that a website built specifically for your business needs to be designed to bring in qualified leads for you to build a relationship with and turn them into paying customers. Of course an effective website can serve multiple purposes, but really we want to think about the main goal of your website because that dictates the user experience and design we want to create. With this in mind, here are our tips on how to build an effective website!

We’re the Best Full-Service Marketing Firm in Flagstaff!

We’re the Best Full-Service Marketing Firm in Flagstaff!

Do you have an in-house marketing department for your business? Perhaps you have someone you hired who does some things here and there to help you market your business. Or are you running your business and doing the marketing yourself? Ask yourself this question – are you a professional marketer? We hire professionals all the time in other areas of our business: accountants, lawyers, payroll services, business coaches, and so forth. So why is marketing any different? Hiring a professional full service marketing firm will save you time, money, and strengthen your brand.

3 Keys to Writing Great Local Business Google Ads

3 Keys to Writing Great Local Business Google Ads

Ok, so we recently told you the importance of Google Ads for your business and how to dominate with a full cycle marketing campaign of display, search, and remarketing ads. If you have not read that one yet, you definitely should! Now that you know how to use Google Adwords, the difference between the three types of ads, and when to use them, you are ready to launch your ads, right!? Hold up! Not so simple! The actual ad copy that you write is super important. It requires both artistic content-creating style and data-driven research strategy combined for them to succeed. Here we give you the keys to writing great local business ads for Google! You will be a Google AdWords specialist in no time!

The Most Important Local Business Searches to Target (Near Me)

The Most Important Local Business Searches to Target (Near Me)

Looking to get the edge over your local competition? If local is your market, then a local SEO strategy is what you need to get on ASAP! A general SEO strategy is important for improving your website’s visibility on a national or global scale, but a local SEO strategy allows you to capture your local search territory to bring in local customers in your geographic area. Local SEO helps a local business promote their products and services to local customers by gathering information about what people are searching for in Google locally so you can target them specifically. Targeting specific geographic keywords people are searching for, especially the “near me” searches is where a local SEO strategy shows it’s strength. Here’s our breakdown of the most important local business searches to target (near me).

Data Driven Marketing, Digging into Google Analytics and More

Data Driven Marketing, Digging into Google Analytics and More

Ok, so you have a website for your small business. That is step #1. Step #2 is to make sure your website is gathering data for you about your website visitors. You might be wondering why you would need to gather information about these people. It is because data matters! Finding out as much information as you can about your website visitors will help you shape the strategy of your business. It will tell you which marketing strategies are working, which are failing, and how to better reach your customers. Without website analytics tracking, you are literally shooting in the dark just hoping whatever it is you are doing in the online world is working. Data driven marketing is what we do at Mountain Mojo Group. Join us as we dig deep into Google Analytics and more!

User Behavior –  Learning Which Pages Your Users Love the Most on Your Website

User Behavior – Learning Which Pages Your Users Love the Most on Your Website

Here is a question for you: Which pages on your website do your users love the most? Do you know? Did you know you can find out this information? By tracking behavioral analytics on your website you can find out a ton of data about not only who your visitors are, but also which pages perform the best and why. If pages are not loved by your users, why have them!? Or perhaps they just need a serious makeover to improve the user experience. If people are spending zero time on those pages, or worse the pages are causing people to LEAVE your website, then they are not serving you and your business.

Dominating Google Ads With Full-Cycle Marketing Campaigns

Google Ads – such a foreign and confusing area of marketing for so many business owners but one with tremendous opportunity for return on investment and taking your business to the next level! We get so many business owners who ask us if pay per click (“PPC”) advertising is right for their business or they come to us saying they tried Google Adwords, had no idea what they were doing, and it was a flop so they are hesitant to try again. At Mountain Mojo Group, paid search marketing is what we do and we stress the importance of data driven research and strategy. Do the market research, make a strategy, execute the plan, track the data, adjust as needed, and disrupt the market by dominating! Here’s our insider info for dominating on Google ads with a full cycle marketing campaign (display, search, remarketing).

What Makes a WordPress Site a Marketing Website?

What Makes a WordPress Site a Marketing Website?

WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world. It is the number one choice for marketing because WordPress websites get traffic. WordPress websites every month get over 409 million people viewing more than 20 billion pages. WordPress websites are built for marketing your business in the online world and here are some examples of what makes a WordPress site a marketing website!

Website Splash Pages & Their Place

Website Splash Pages & Their Place

Have you heard of a splash page? Splash pages are something that you are going to start hearing more about because they are making a comeback in online marketing. It has been described as your business’s virtual business card – a fast loading small screen that is the first thing a visitor sees when they come to your website. At Mountain Mojo Group, part of our job is to stay abreast of marketing trends so our clients have the most technologically advanced websites with optimum user experience. We created this quick guide for you about marketing splash pages and their place in the digital marketing world.

10 WordPress Website Development Trends

10 WordPress Website Development Trends

At Mountain Mojo Group, WordPress is our exclusive content management system for building websites for our clients. Why? Thanks for asking! Over the years we have found WordPress to be the most dependable, rock-solid, most user friendly for our clients, well maintained, and updated CMS on the market. WordPress powers over 61% of the online world making it the most popular CMS worldwide. There are over 54,000 plugins (essentially apps and add ons) available which have been downloaded 1.5 billion times worldwide. There is always a plug-in for what you want and need!

7 Ways to Improve Your Website Performance

7 Ways to Improve Your Website Performance

If you are a small business owner, especially in the retail industry today, you need a website! Not only does it help spread awareness of your business by making you more credible, but studies show that 81% of retail shoppers spend time researching online before actually making a purchase.

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