In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, especially in today’s day and age, the question that’s on every marketer’s mind is: Will Google penalize AI-generated content?

The answer isn’t as simple as yes or no because it’s how AI is used and integrated into your content generation process. Let’s talk about how to use AI as a tool without negatively affecting your marketing efforts – especially when it comes to SEO!


Table of Contents

Is Google OK With AI Generated Content?

Here's How To Utilize AI Without Consequences

Changes That Impact Search Results: What You Should Know

Tools For AI Assisted Content

graphic with Google Search

Is Google OK With AI Generated Content?

While Google allows AI-generated content, there are very specific parameters that marketers have to know and adhere to. Otherwise, your SEO will ultimately negatively impact your client goals. 

Merely incorporating AI into your strategy won’t penalize you, but what will is the lack of substance in your content. Google sees “fluff” posts as negative to the search engine because, truthfully, the reader will likely feel more frustrated after reading them.

The key is to leverage AI as a tool alongside human creators and editors, not as a substitute. You can harness AI’s potential as an accelerator, supporting or spurring inspiration, but ultimately, you’ll want to create content that the user is searching for. 

Not Appearing in Search? We Can Help With That!

In the marketing world, there’s one rule: change is constant. AI impacting SEO is just a piece of an intricate puzzle. That’s why we have members on our team who are SEO experts and stay up to date with the latest changes in AI (trust us when we say this can be a full-time job). If you’re struggling to appear in search and it’s impacting your business – give us a call. We’re here to help!

Here are some ways to utilize AI to improve SEO without it negatively impacting your content or client goals: 

1. Keyword Research: AI-powered tools can analyze vast amounts of data to identify high-value keywords and search trends, helping to optimize content for better search engine visibility.

2. Content Generation: AI can assist in generating high-quality, relevant content at scale, ensuring consistency and engagement across various digital channels without sacrificing quality.

3. Competitor Analysis: AI can analyze competitor strategies and performance metrics to uncover valuable insights, enabling marketers to refine their SEO tactics and stay ahead of the competition.

4. Optimization Techniques: AI-driven optimization techniques can optimize website structure, metadata, and content organization to enhance search engine visibility while maintaining a positive user experience.

5. Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI-powered NLP algorithms can understand and interpret user queries more accurately, helping to optimize content for voice search and conversational queries.

6. User Experience Enhancement: AI can analyze user behavior and feedback to optimize website performance, improve usability, and enhance overall user experience, thereby boosting SEO rankings.

7. Personalization: AI can analyze user data and preferences to deliver personalized content recommendations, increasing user engagement and driving repeat traffic to the website.

8. Predictive Analytics: AI-driven predictive analytics can forecast future search trends and user behavior, enabling marketers to proactively adjust their SEO strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

9. Automated Reporting: AI-powered reporting tools can automate the process of collecting, analyzing, and presenting SEO performance data, saving time and resources while providing actionable insights for optimization.

10. Image and Video Optimization: AI can analyze and optimize images and videos for better search engine visibility, including image recognition, tagging, and optimization for search engines like Google Images and YouTube.

graphic with magnifying glass

Changes That Impact Search Results: What You Should Know

Google is reacting to the increased use of AI – so there’s some changes to search results that you should know about.

SGE, or Search Generative Experiences, are essentially zero-click experiences. Search vehicles can be characterized by human-generated content found on platforms like TikTok, Reddit, and Organic Links, which remain the main source of traditional search engine optimization.

Honestly, the forecast for organic traffic isn’t looking great, with Gartner estimating potential losses of up to 50% in the coming years. The impact will vary across industries and search types, but you can see the importance of adapting strategies, especially in the industries that are likely going to be hit the hardest.

The future is us shifting back to on-demand creation. You’ll want to get people interested in something they didn’t know they were interested in. Social media, YouTube, and podcasts are great avenues to promote on-demand timely content to a large number of followers. We’re also likely going to see an increase in community-based branded marketing.

“Repurposing existing content for different channels is going to be huge, and you’re probably not doing it enough.”

Are the gears turning in how you can shift your content strategy to beat the search engine shift?Continue reading to learn how AI can support this shift!


Tools for AI

Tools for AI-Assisted Content

Here’s a helpful list of tools you can utilize while you’re partnering with AI to assist you in creating content. These tools will help monitor your SEO rankings, catch any overly generated AI content that could penalize you on Google’s search engine, and much more!

Content Generation Platforms: Tools like OpenAI’s GPT-3 or ShortlyAI provide AI-powered content generation capabilities, allowing users to create high-quality content efficiently.

SEO Analysis Tools: Platforms such as SEMrush can help analyze AI-generated content for SEO compliance, ensuring it adheres to best practices and guidelines.

Content Optimization Tools: Tools like SurferSEO utilize AI to analyze content against top-ranking pages, providing suggestions for optimizing structure, keyword usage, and readability.

Plagiarism Checkers: Tools like Grammarly’s plagiarism checker can ensure that AI-generated content is original and doesn’t infringe on copyright issues.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tools: Platforms such as Google’s Natural Language API can help assess the quality and relevance of AI-generated content, ensuring it meets user intent and search engine standards.

Structured Data Generators: Tools like can assist in adding structured data markup to AI-generated content, enhancing its visibility and relevance in search engine results.

Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress offer plugins and features that integrate AI capabilities for content creation and optimization while providing robust SEO functionalities.

Social Media Analytics Tools: Hootsuite can help analyze the performance of AI-generated content across social media platforms, enabling marketers to adjust strategies accordingly and maintain a positive online presence.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools: Platforms like Optimizely use AI to optimize website elements and user experiences, ensuring that AI-generated content effectively converts visitors into customers without negatively impacting SEO.

Monitoring and Reporting Tools: Tools like Google Analytics or Search Console provide insights into the performance of AI-generated content, allowing marketers to track metrics, identify issues, and make informed decisions to maintain SEO integrity.

By utilizing these tools effectively, you can leverage AI-generated content to enhance your digital presence while staying in the good graces of search engines.

Google’s relentless pursuit of providing users with fast and accurate information reinforces the need for agility and innovation in SEO tactics. AI has a strategic role in content creation, serving as a catalyst to jumpstart the process without starting from scratch.

Looking ahead, the future of marketing appears to hinge on a return to demand creation, captivating audiences through community-based branded marketing initiatives across social media, YouTube, podcasts, and beyond. As one panelist aptly notes, the key lies in repurposing existing content for different channels—a practice that is poised to become increasingly integral in the pursuit of digital relevance and engagement.



Before coming to Mountain Mojo, Michelle was the owner and founder of Elle Marie Calligraphy & Design in Grapevine, Texas. While working with EMCD, Michelle specialized in graphic and logo design, social media marketing, font design, custom calligraphy, and unique artistic elements for growing small businesses. Michelle will be supporting social media, branding strategies and graphic design for our clients. She loves being outside running and biking trails with her husband and pup, Lola and can’t wait to explore the miles of trails that Flagstaff offers!

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